Lake County Chamber Players
Lake Shore String Quartet

Why Choose Live Music for Your Special Event?

These days, mp3 players have made canned music a common -- and admittedly -- affordable way to provide background music for weddings, parties, and other special events.  So, why should you choose a live quartet of string players for your event?  Think of it this way...why go to a live concert?  You can hear the same music on your mp3 player, but as everyone knows, nothing beats hearing an artist perform live!

A string quartet is typically composed of two violinists, one violist, and one cellist.  Together, they form a dynamic, interactive unit, creating a totally unique and intimate connection with the audience.  Live musicians are truly "in the moment," and we can provide an unforgettable visual, auditory, and emotional dynamic to any memory-making event.  In addition, we can be the "glue" that makes a special occasion such a cohesive, emotional experience.

Take a wedding ceremony, for example.  If you use recorded music, when should you start playing each of the processional pieces (one for the bridal party, another for the bride)?  How long will you need to play each piece to allow enough time for each person to get down the aisle? And will the recording you choose come to an end or a "natural" fading out point at just the right time?  You are at the mercy of an electronic device, and therefore, have no flexibility to adapt to the moment.   Besides, one of your guests then ends up being stuck at the controls and cannot share in the event.

Live musicians, in contrast, are in control of the situation, allowing us to go with the flow of your event. If the bride is running late, or if the bridal party takes longer to walk down the aisle than expected, we can simply adapt the music to the situation -- either by cutting a piece short and providing a natural ending to the piece, or by extending the piece in order to avoid that dreaded "dead space" that can happen as events unfold.

Even if "timing" is not an issue, such as when we play background music for a party, the "magic" of live music cannot be underestimated.  Children are mesmerized, adults are intrigued, and your event has a one-of-a-kind focal point that will leave your guests talking for years!  We as musicians love being a part of that experience, and we relish the opportunity to lend our own personal expression to the musical repertoire...custom-tailored to our clients' preferences and needs.  

Music is love in search of a word.”  -- Sidonie Gabrielle